necklaces / pendants Page 3 of 5

with a drop of purple

a pendant made of dog’s spine bone and resin

dog tag

dog tag.

a dream about loosing your pearls

words may be so powerful that they can hurt. and then your tears can come out in nightmares about loosing your pearls. the work was made especially for…

jonasz VI

the last pendant from jonasz series. roe deer bone filled with transparent organge resin. size: 39 x 39 x 5 mm 2018

jonasz IV

orange pendant made of roe deer bone, resins and silver. from jonasz series. size: 52 x 48 x 7 mm 2018

jonasz II

a second piece from jonasz series. transparent oranges and grays. a private stained glass. nice to touch and play with. roe deer with resins and silver size: 63…

jonasz I

a pendant made of roe deer bone with a piece of silver tube. transparent colorful resins bring back memories of stained glass, sea depths, abstractionist paintings and other…

bones go vivid

last year i started my experiments with adding color to the bones. it’s the first time you may see the results of my work but for sure not…

bolo tie

bolo tie from bruxism series. roe deer teeth, resin, sterling silver and cord. both for women and for men. 2017


small pendant made of bone, leather strap and sterling silver. 2017

roe deer teeth necklace

small pendant from bruxism series. roe deer teeth in transparent resin with sterling silver elements. 2017

photo session with elizabeth

i was delighted to cooperate with elizabeth who modeled with my bone jewelry (which you can find here and here) in dębno, poland. i would like to thank…

nature morte

i created a roe deer jaws jewelry collection lately.


roe deer teeth, howlite and leather cord necklace. 2016  

roe deer

  ossuaries are places that inspired me to plunge into making bone jewelry. one of them, kutna hora in czech republic made the biggest impression on me. after…